Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Drama with the city!

We've decided to go ahead with the remodeling of the kitchen/living room/dining room interior - changing the layout (possibly) and adding cabinetry and updating appliances (goodbye Wedgewood stove! *sniff*). So we had asked our architect to help us with ideas and, if needed, to draw up the plans for city approval.

Architect came over and presented her ideas. Then informed us that we wouldn't have to go through the entire city process as long as we don't touch the exterior. yay! All we would need to do is submit a change order for whatever changes we were doing in the interior. We can save our money by not hiring her. haha! Instead, we would work with our GC's kitchen and cabinet guy to design the cabinetry after picking out one of her layouts.

After our meeting with her, she went outside to take a look at the work progress. That's when she discovered that our GC was laying out the foundation based on the wrong plans!
When he went to get the permit, our GC was issued the "not approved" set of plans.


We hurried over to the city planning office, arriving an hour before closing. We signed in and were told we may not be able to see someone by the time the office closed. We explained the situation to the lady such that she was able to alert the right people. We still had to wait until closing but due to the nature of our problem, they were willing to sit with us after hours to correct the problem.

There was absolutely no way that planning was going to allow us to build past the setbacks. So, the decision was to contact the building department to get the correct plans stamped. Our architect sent an email to head of building explaining the situation.

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