Saturday, December 3, 2011

Shower door fiasco

Note:  Never leave a guy to install stuff by himself!  Always stay for the installation!!!!

So the guy who installed our shower doors is a different guy from the guy who took our order for the shower doors.  There were mistakes in 2 out of 3 bathrooms!!  The powder room door had a towel bar which we did not want.  And he had installed a very nice shower door in the kids bathroom when we specifically said nothing was to go in the kids bathroom!  There was even a shower curtain rod already installed.

The owner showed up later and prevented his installer from actually caulking the kids bathroom - we probably would have had to replace the tub and even more tiling if that had happened!  But there was already some scratching on the tub and cutting of tile.  So now our GC had to clean up the mess:  re-order tile, remove the tiles with holes in them, and redo the affected tiles.

DH was super pissed.  On the other hand, I was just glad I didn't need to run around to fix the mistake.  :p

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