Thursday, June 30, 2011

June Summary

June 06: Rough plumbing and underfloor inspection failed.
Visit to window store.
June 08: Rough plumbing and underfloor inspection passed.
Subfloor insulation laid down.
June 09: Initial kitchen cabinet design.
June 10: Subfloor insulation inspection passed.
June 11: Visit to appliance store.
June 13: Visit to second appliance store.
June 14: Subfloor covered.
June 15: Framing begins!
June 16: Apparently the city manager himself has visited our site.
June 20: Removal of kitchen interior walls.
June 25: Second visit to first appliance store - made a decision on the fridge!
June 27: Visit to granite warehouse.

Subfloor insulation

Framing begins

Kitchen walls removed

Framing in progress by the end of June:

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