Thursday, December 30, 2010

Don't go on vacation before plan submittal

There was miscommunication with our architect such that she thought we were in town when we had already left. There were application papers for us to sign that apparently could not be a faxed version. So we had to wait until we got home from visiting my in-laws for Christmas to bring the plans to the city...before the end of the year!

The morning after we got home, we drove straight to our architects to pick up the plans and application. Signed the forms we needed to and rushed over to the city planning office. Lo and behold, they were closed! Starting in December, they're closed on Wednesday mornings and open at 1pm. Also, they do not take our plans after 11:45am. ARGH! So we had to try again on Thursday, December 30, the very very last day to submit plans for 2010.

Dec 30: We woke up early to get to the city planning office early to be first in line to guarantee our plans made it in on time. Well, lovely for us, there are two doors to the planning office. And of course, we were waiting at the wrong one. Double ARGH! We ended up as third in line instead of first. boooo.

Since it was the holidays, the office was pretty understaffed plus the process for submitting your plans and application takes a while so we waited 45 minutes before we sat down with a city planning worker. He was a really nice guy and (thankfully) took our application. Phew! Mission accomplished!

Later that day, our architect called to make sure that the plans were submitted. She was relieved to hear that they indeed were submitted. We were supposed to call her after turning it in - oops!

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